Subscription Analytics for Bold

Access a full suite of metrics to better understand your subscription business

Optimize your subscriptions

Know exactly how your subscribers and your subscription offerings are performing

Continue to build loyalty and increase retention by reviewing the out-of-the box analysis with heaps of purchasing pattern information

Access a Bold exclusive dashboard for visibility on your subscribers their subscriptions

Segmentation Window showing an attribution style question
Peel dashboard showing cohort, line charts & bar charts

Grow LTV

Explore expansive analysis keyed into all the facets of building an ecommerce brand with subscriptions

Convert one-time purchasers to subscribers to grow your LTV

Capitalize on the opportunities presented in the analysis to grow your subscription brand

Scale faster using segments

Utilize the segmentation in your data to see performance and opportunity for subscription growth.

Explore analysis by product purchased, location or order frequency, duration, day of week, day of the month or cancellation reason without having to prepare and compute any of the datasets yourself

Segmentation Window showing an attribution style question

37 out-of-the-box analyses for Bold Subscriptions growth


  • Active Subscribers
  • Active Subscriptions
  • Churned Subscribers
  • Churned Subscriptions
  • Duration of Active Subscribers
  • Duration of Churned Subscribers
  • Monthly Recurring Revenue
  • Subscriber Churn Rate
  • Subscriber Growth Rate
  • Subscription Churn Rate
  • Subscription Growth Rate
  • Net Sales - Subscribers
  • Net Sales - New Subscribers
  • Net Sales - Existing Subscribers
  • New Subscriptions
  • New Subscribers
  • Subscriptions Revenue Rate
  • Total Sales - Subscribers

Subscription Cohorts

  • Active Subscriptions per Cohort
  • Active Subscribers per Cohort
  • Cumulative MRR per Subscription
  • Cumulative MRR per Subscriber
  • Lifetime Revenue per Subscriber Cohort
  • Lifetime Revenue per Subscription Cohort
  • Lifetime Revenue per Subscription
  • Lifetime Revenue per Subscriber
  • Lifetime Revenue per Subscriber Cohort
  • MRR per Active Subscriber
  • MRR per Active Subscription
  • MRR per Subscribers Cohort
  • MRR per Subscriptions Cohort

Subscription Activations

  • Activation Rate
  • Days to Activation
  • New OTP Subscribers
  • Rate of One-time to Subscriber
  • Subscriber Rate